Gaelim Holland
Author Archives: Gaelim Holland

Easy Forecasting in Excel

Forecasting with the Trend line Click on your line graph.Click the [ + ] button on the chart to open the chart elements menu.Choose the trend line (Linear or Exponential).Right Click the Trend line, Choose Format Trend line.Under Forecast choose the number of the period into the future you want to forecast.Use Array Functions (Growth […]

Data Analyst Toolkit

As a data analyst there is a wild range of tools you need for exploration, analysis, visualization and prediction. I thought this was good opportunity to explore the most popular and go to tools for data analyst.Stage 0: Identify Business Questions.These tools are critical for collection thoughts and ideas from stakeholders. This is the most […]

Create Data Bars and Star Rating KPIs in Excel

​You can easily get data bars and star ratings added to your report with a few steps. Often a way to save real estate and indicate differences, people use the spark line visuals. However, this can only be effective if you are dealing with time series data. So, this tutorial is going to show a […]

Top E Sports Earners

E-sports has been become a multi-million dollar industry with over 160 million dollars in prize money in 2019 alone.  I wanted to explore the earnings of the top tournaments, players and games below. There is an awesome sight with all this data compiled and tracked. You can go to . If want you learn […]

Excel Users Intro into Python

Data Science can be an incredibly daunting venture to undertake. As time continues, what constitutes data science morphs and changes. However, in a scientist is someone who uses a proven logical method to understanding and ascribe meaning to unknown phenomena. A data science doesn’t have a physical library, pipets, test tubes. They have a collection […]

Tableau Prep Tutorial

Use the tutorials below to help you gain a deeper understanding on what Tableau Prep can do for your data, business and overall visuals. Follow each step in the tutorial of jump around to the tutorial that fits your needs.  Getting Started with Tableau Prep Go to the Tutorial Tableau Prep is a great tool. […]

Best Power BI Courses

​Power BI’s user-base is growing daily. In just a few years, the adoption of Power BI into data productivity suites has exponentially grown. The team at Microsoft provides monthly updates that increase Power BI’s functionality and customization. ​If you are familiar with the field of data visualization, you would have heard of Power BI as […]

Seaborn Line Chart

Line graphs don’t have to be boring.  Seaborn line charts add a whole new opportunity to make your line charts stand out and communicate new insights. Follow these easy to follow tutorial on how to to create line chart in Seaborn. There specifics that will be covered are colors, style and error bars. The  fist […]

Diabetes Across the United States Dashboard

Data is from the Center for Disease Control which has health and disease penetration by state, county and city. This dashboard was created in Microsoft Power BI with two CSV export from the CDC that listed percentage of residents with diabetes by year and state.  No calculated measures were created due to the data having percentages. […]

Pandas Quick Start Guide

What is Pandas? Pandas is a Python library that used to read, clean, visualize, and process a dataset. Pandas uses a high-performance data analysis functions to manipulate data a structures  which called data frame. You can compare this to a table in tools like Excel. Learn Python with Codecademy. Master the skill that your future […]

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