Sentiment Analysis in Power BI

How to use natural language sentiment analysis in your text data with Power BI. I am really starting to fall in love with Power BI now that I have the ability to use Python scripts to transform my data and bring my visuals to a whole new level. We will use the NLTK Sentiment Intensity […]

Pandas Merge and Append Tables

There are multiple ways to join, concatenated and merge data using Pandas. However, it all depends on your use case. For the examples below, we are going to use the example of a pickle shop merging their data with an ice cream shop to create a single data frame. Let’s take a look at the […]

Pandas Cut – Continuous to Categorical

Pandas cut function or pd.cut() function is a great way to transform continuous data into categorical data. The question is why would you want to do this. Here are a few reasons you might want to use the Pandas cut function. Practice your  Python skills with Interactive Datasets. Reason to Cut and Bin your Continous Data […]

Python Machine Learning in Power BI

We are going to do some machine learning in Python to transform our dataset into algorithm-digestible data for churn analysis. using sci-kit learn It’s a ton easier than it sounds. We will be utilizing the Python scripting option within the query editor in Power BI. Learn more machine learning and Power BI use cases with […]

Import PDF Tables in Power BI & Python

One of the best things that have happened to Power BI is the addition of Python scripting options. There are a host of things that can be accomplished such as data imports, custom Python visuals, and advanced data cleansing. For this tutorial, I am going to show you how to import PDF tables into Power […]

Which Superhero Has the Most Powers? | Data Viz

The datasets This data set was sourced from Kaggle. There are two data sets that had to be preprocessed and merged. The first data set contained each out the hero’s dimensions such as race, eye color, and other physical dimensions. The second dataset contains all the powers that are valued in boolean format.  The booleans […]

How to Create an Excel Step Chart

A step chart is a great way to show how there has been a significant increase at a period of time.  When simply using a line chart in Excel the data is naturally going to trend from one point to the next.  This action creates a slope. As opposed to, a stepchart that will show […]

Create a Seaborn Scatterplot

A scatterplot is one of the best ways to visually view the correlation between two numerical variables. Seaborn has a number of different scatterplot options that help to provide immediate insights.  This tutorial will show you how to quickly create scatterplots and style them to fit your needs. Learn Seaborn Data Visualization at Code Academy […]

How to Remove Leading Zeros Power in BI

Getting rid of leading zeros can be kind of difficult in Power BI if there is no consistency in the number of zeros. However, I am going to demonstrate a few easy ways to eliminate leading zeros in Microsoft Power BI. Change the Data Types One of the little known tricks in Power BI to […]

Add Data Entry Form in Excel 2016

You can quickly add a data entry form in Excel 2016 in just a few clicks. The steps to add a data entry include adding the form to your quick access menu and creating a table with headings for the data to be entered and finally initiating the table. Yes, that is all that is […]

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